

02 August 2024

The Breakfast Club

Q: The Force

PAX: Homegrown, Queen Bee, PEMDAS, Green Thumb

The Thang: Today we worked on 5, 1-minute stations. The focus was on the whole body. We completed 2 sets of 5, 1-minute stations, rested, and then switched out exercises to complete another 2 sets of stations. All the exercises required weights or bands, or both. The exercises were:

  • Jog/walk to the second lightpole
  • Russian twists
  • Modified squat clean
  • Lat pull down
  • Side-to-sides squats with bands and weights
The second half of stations exercises were:
  • Bicep curls
  • Alternating donkey kicks
  • Tricep kickbacks
  • Narrow squat into calf raises
  • Alternating fire hydrants
After we completed 4 total rounds of Stations, we walked a lap around the church. Thank you ladies!
