

05 August 2024

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: PEMDAS, Homegrown, Queen Bee, Warrior, Double Shot (FNG), Green Thumb

The Thang: Today we worked on all Pyramids. Each pyramid consisted of various exercises that started with 1 minute, then 45 seconds for the next exercise, 30 seconds, 15 seconds, then back down the pyramid to 30 seconds, 45 seconds, ended back to 1 minute. We started with a yoga pyramid which consisted of:

  • 1 minute cat/cow (cakravakasana/bidalasana)
  • 45 second thread-the-needle, left (cakaravakasana parivrtti)
  • 30 second child's pose (balasana)
  • 15 second downward dog (adho mukha svanasana)
  • 30 second child's pose
  • 45 second thread-the-needle, right
  • 1 minute cat/cow
The next set of pyramids worked specifically towards targeting certain areas on the body. The second pyramid was all cardio exercises:
  • ski jumps
  • jumping jacks
  • boy bands
  • burpees
The third pyramid focused on legs:
  • side lying inner thigh lifts, right
  • squats
  • lunges, right
  • beaver butts
The fourth pyramid focused on glutes:
  • donkey kicks
  • fire hydrants
  • bridge step outs
  • bridge
The fifth pyramid focused on abs:
  • Russian twists with weights
  • LBCs
  • Peter Parkers
  • Plank
The sixth pyramid focused on arms:
  • Hammer curls with weights
  • Shoulder press
  • Tricep extensions
  • Arm circles
The seventh and last pyramid was back to yoga:
  • Corpse pose (savasana)
  • Hug knees into chest (apanasana)
  • Lying twist right (jathara parivrtti)
  • Happy baby
We had a FNG today! We named her Double Shot! It was a tougher workout, we definitely were sweating today! Thank you all!
