A Beautiful Morning for Yoga


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Warrior, Homegrown, Queen Bee

The Thang: Since we are still working on the monthly Abs challenge, I decided to start our warm-up with a whole mess of abs exercises. We completed 10 different abs exercises, 20 reps each. The exercises were:

  • Peter Parkers
  • JLos
  • LBC's
  • side crunches right
  • side crunches left
  • ankle biters
  • lower leg lifts
  • Russian twists
  • standing crunches
  • raggedy Anns
We completed 20 reps of each exercise for a total of 200 abs reps each! With the 4 of us together, our total ab output was 800! 

After we completed the abs warm-up, we went into yoga. I had us work on stretching our wrists and fingers to warm up. Then we moved into thread-the-needle, cat/cow and child's pose. I had the ladies bring towels so that they'd have more support under their knees as we went into kneeling stretches with a 1 foot camel (eka pada ustrasana), forward bend, into a twist, into a lateral bend and then child's pose. We repeated all the poses again on the other side. 

We then stood up and worked on wide legged stretches (prasarita padottanasana) and then a deep squat (malasana) and then triangle pose. We ended with corpse pose (savasana) for about 5 minutes. It was warm, but there was a lovely breeze that felt so nice throughout the workout. Thanks for joining me ladies!
