12 Days of Christmas Sleigh


The Woodshed     December 1, 2023

Q-Warrior  PAX-Cougar, Little Mitten, Tippy Toes, Coco Puff, Green Thumb

The Thang

Warmup- 2 laps around small parking lot 

1sr day - squat

2nd day - upper cuts

3rd day - goddess dips

4th day - curtsy lunges

5th day - seal claps

6th day - sit ups 

7th day - donkey kicks (each leg)

8th day - lying flies

9th day- Supermans 

10th day - squat side steps 

11th day - tricep kickbacks 

12th day - run to the last pole and back 

1 round of each exercise 

Musical mats

Yoga poses for cooldown 
