

Monday, August 7,2023  The Woodshed 

Q-Warrior PAX-Dough Girl, Captain Camo, Cougar, Home Grown, Green Thumb, Blazer

Warmup- stretch and bend, arm circles, hip flexors, leg swings, short lap

Line up side by side facing the wall.  Squat in unison while bouncing a ball off the wall to the next person 4X

Face off with a “gift box” between two PAX.  I called out exercises to do and when I called out “GIFT” the first person to grab the present wins.  Those eliminated step back and we keep going until one person gets the last box.

        exercises in no particular order were: squats, cross jams, LBCs, prayer hand pulses, tricep kickbacks, doorknobs, Raggedy Ann’s, Superman’s, pull downs


Another round of “gift”

Bring Sally Up to bridges 

Another round of “gift”

Cool down

COT and naming our newest FNG……Blazer
