Dancing in the Rain!


AO: The Treehouse

TIME: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 @ 8:30 a.m.

Q: Homegirl

PAX: Ship Shape, Hurricane, The Force, Mosaic, and Vitamin C!


Playdate Dance Party!  We were NOT about to let a little drizzle stop us from our dance party workout! 


Warm up: 

What’s a Dance Party without some balloons?  Standing 3 feet in front of your designated cone, “bop” balloon in the air, run back to the cone and run forward “bopping” it in the air again…repeating until the duration of the song….“MmmmmBOP!”..or the wind carries the balloon over the fence, OR it pops in the ground, OR you’re just completely out of breath! 



Complete designated exercise at appropriate time of the song.

Song #1: Church Clap…led by Rainbow Sprinkles and Mario.

Song #2: Bring Sally Up… Instead of Squatting we did glute bridges with bands…instead of going “up”, we went “down” and vice-versa stretching those bands in and out while “up”.

Song #3: What Does the Fox Say?...LBC’s during the verses and Bicycle Crunches during the chorus.

Song #4: Thunder… Hold plank until you hear the word “thunder”…where you do a plank jack.

Song #5: The Roof is on Fire…Keep arms above shoulders in whatever arm exercise you want.

Song #6: Tootsie Roll… When you hear “tootsie roll” – knees in and out…When you hear “Left, right, front, back” – Do as he says! …When you hear “slide” – SLIDE back and forth …When you hear “Whoop” – lean back bringing one knee up to balance…switching legs with each “whoop”…When you hear “dip” – Squat…During the Verses – Good Mornings


Cool Down:

·                     Standing, breath in and stretch up…exhale down into a forward fold…spinal roll back up.

·                     Downward Facing Dog

·                     Lunging Hamstring Stretch RIGHT LEG (Legs straight)

·                     Spider Man Stretch RIGHT LEG (bend right knee into a long forward lunge)

·                     World’s Greatest Stretch RIGHT LEG (while in Spider Man Stretch, reach arm straight up, looking toward the sky…Right leg, Right arm)

·                     Repeat last 3 with LEFT LEG

·                     Downward Dog into Pigeon Pose

Closing: Announcements, Circle of Trust where we officially named Vitamin C, Squeaky Chick, and Nancy Drew, Prayer, and Pic! 
