1,000 Reps!


Saturday, June 10, 2023


AO: The Battleground

Q: The Force

PAX: Green Thumb, Aces, Captain Camo

The Thang: We tried to do this workout a few weeks ago, but the weather was so bad we had to cancel the workout. Today was a balmy, sunny day. Perfect for 1,000 reps! I picked out 10 different exercises, trying to keep it balanced between cardio, arms, abs, and butt/leg exercises. We completed 25 reps of all 10 exercises for 4 rounds. In between each round, I had us practicing some yoga stretches. We started our warm-up with arm circles, then Warrior II into a large side bend (utthita parsvasana), then a wide leg forward bend (prasarita padottanasana). Then we started our rounds. The 10 exercises were:

  • jumping jacks
  • goblet squats
  • lower leg raises
  • tricep dips, extensions or kickbacks
  • fire hydrants on the right side
  • fire hydrants on the left side
  • sit-ups with punches
  • glute bridges
  • mountain climbers
  • bicep curls
In between each round, we did various yoga poses, such as child's pose (balasana), thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti), down dog (ahdo mukha svanasana), and 90/90 switches. We ended with announcements, prayer, and  our picture. Thank you for joining me today ladies! 
