Sweatin' to 11s

 Monday, May 8, 2023

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Green Thumb, Warrior, Aces, Dough Girl, Little Mitten, Golden Girl

The Thang: Today was a more simple workout, 3 rounds of '11s'. The first round, we started with 1 rep of Big Girl sit-ups, then walked or jogged to the second light pole and completed 10 squats. Then we walked or jogged back to the first light pole and completed 2 reps of big girl sit-ups and then walked or jogged back to complete 9 reps of squats. We went back and forth from light pole to light pole completing reps so they always totaled 11. 

Round 2 consisted of the same as above, except I changed the exercises to glute bridges and jumping jacks. The last round was push-ups and high knees. One rep of high knees consisted of high knee on each side, so both sides equals 1 rep. We finished up with a cool down lap around the church. It was a beautiful morning and needless to say, we got pretty sweaty with all this cardio! We ended with announcements, COT, prayer and a picture. Thanks ladies!
