Monday, April 17, 2023
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed-Tanglewood Church
Q: The Force
PAX: Clockwork, Dough Girl, Aces, Captain Camo, Green Thumb
The Thang: Our warm-up consisted of yoga stretches starting with cat/cow (cakravakasana), thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti), child's pose (balasana), downward facing dog (ahdo mukha svanasana) with hip circles, wide leg standing stretches (prasarita padottanasana vinyasa), and various shoulder and arm stretches.
This week we are working out with laundry detergent bottles as a fundraiser for the House of Hope. The workout itself, was all about moving up and down the pyramid today. Each set consisted of 4 exercises. The sets were Cardio, Legs, Glutes, Abs, Arms, and back to Cardio. The Cardio set consisted of:
- 15 seconds burpees
- 30 seconds jumping jacks
- 45 seconds mountain climbers
- 1 minute butt kicks
- 45 seconds mountain climbers
- 30 seconds jumping jacks
- 15 second burpees
- 15 seconds beaver butts
- 30 seconds no surrenders
- 45 seconds box leg lifts, left, over weight or laundry detergent
- 1 minute goblet squats
- 45 seconds box leg lifts, right
- 30 seconds no surrenders
- 15 seconds beaver butts
- 15 seconds table toe taps (left)
- 30 seconds fire hydrants (left)
- 45 seconds narwhals (left)
- 1 minute bridges with weights
- 45 seconds narwhals (right)
- 30 seconds fire hydrants (right)
- 15 seconds table toe taps (left)
- 15 seconds Ukrainian twists with weights
- 30 seconds diagonal weighted reach
- 45 seconds bear plank
- 1 minute weighted crunch or sit-up
- 45 seconds bear plank
- 30 seconds diagonal weighted reach
- 15 seconds Ukrainian twists with weights
- 15 seconds pizza servers
- 30 seconds overhead tricep extension
- 45 seconds Arnold press
- 1 minute bicep curls
- 45 seconds Arnold press
- 30 seconds overhead tricep extension
- 15 seconds pizza servers
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