Tummy-Time Tabata



A.O. The Treehouse

TIME: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Q: Homegirl

PAX: Hurricane, Detective, The Force, Ship-Shape, Free Style! 


Warm-up:  Windmills, Arm Circles, and Leg Stretches

Workout: We had so much fun with the babies today!  I did NOT plan this workout around them, but they totally stole the show. Kudos to the mommas for modifying and bringing the fun to the littles as well!  We performed each exercise back and forth as the song instructed when to switch.  8 rounds, 4 or each, each song. 

Uptown Funk

·         Lunge Step Up’s (Switch legs each round)

·         Press Backs

Smooth Criminal

·         Glute Bridges

·         Clam Shells


·         Bicycles

·         Superman

Enter Sandman

·         Lateral Raises

·         Bicep Curls

Back in Black

·         Beaver Butts

·         Raggedy Anne’s

Pause for QUICK Stretch...Child's Pose into Downward Dog into Upward Dog back to Downward Dog, Back to Child's Pose.

Rhythm is a Dancer

·         Flutter Kicks

·         Russian Twists

Counting Stars

·         Jumping Jacks

·         Mountain Climbers


·         March

·         Ice Scates

Cooldown: Breath, stretch up inhale back around...repeat 2 times. Breathe, stretch up....fold over like a taco.  Stay for a few breaths.  Roll back up and repeat 2 times more.  Legs wide inhale up, exhale over and stretch into wide stance.  Walk hands over to the right foot, then the left.  Forward Lunge, stretch arm up, twisting in body INTO the stretch for balance. Repeat other leg.  Stretch arms while beginning Closing. 

CLOSING: Announcements, Prayer, Circle of Trist, Pray, Name FNG, Pic! 
