Full Body Circuit


AO: Northwest School

TIME: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Q: HomeGirl

PAX: Minnie, Daisy, Chipper


Warm UP...Breathing and stretching.

Workout: Full Body Circuit...45 Seconds of each exercise. Rest between rounds. 


·         Jumping Jacks

·         Quick feet

·         Jump Squats

·         Mountain Climbers

·         High Knees



·         Tricep Kickback

·         Reverse Fly

·         Alt Ovehead Shldr Press

·         Bicep Curls

·         Upright Row



·         Pendulum Lunges

·         Sumo Squats

·         Calf Raises

·         Curtesy Squat with weights

·         Skating



·         LBC’s

·         Windshield wipers

·         Reverse crunches

·         Glute Bridges

·         Donkey kicks


After finishing our Circuit, we walked all the way around the school yard.  We were excited to see a Basketball court with 4 Square painted on it... for these upcoming summer nights! Or maybe I was the only one excited, but still...it's got me thinking....

Upon returning we cooled down with some YOGA!


  • Standing, inhale and fold over to hang like a ragdoll for a few breaths.  Slowly roll up to standing and repeat several times. 
  • Downward Facing Dog (petal calves a bit to extend the stretch: 
  • Table pose into Cat/Cow's
  • Pigeon Pose (both legs)
  • Thread the Needle (both arms)
  • Sit back into Child's Pose
CLOSING: Announcements, Prayer, Pic, and Name-O-Rama!
