Show Your Body Some LOVE!


AO: The Treehouse

TIME: Wed. Feb. 8, 2023

Q: Homegirl

PAX: Hurricane, Detective


Let’s Show Our BODY some LOVE

Warm-Up: Walk/Jog around the playground

The THANG: Go through Abs, Body, and Rest #1…Repeat Abs, Body, and Rest #2…

Love your ABS:

·         60 Sec. Plank

·         20 Sec. Side Plank (each side)

·         20 Pull Pull Switch

·         100’s

Love Your BODY:

·         30 Jumping Jacks

·         10 Squat Kickbacks

·         30 High Knees (HC)

·         10 Side Lunges (each side)

·         30 Mountain Climbers (HC)

·         10 Burpees

·         30 Butt Kicks (HC)

·         10 Triceps Dips

·         30 Sec. Happy Feet

·         10 Pushup’s (You Choose)

·         30 Calf Raises

·         10 Standing Side Ab Crunches

Love your REST:

Yoga set #1

·         Forward fold (bend and touch toes, gently shake head yes and no to relieve stress)

·         Child’s pose

·         Figure 4 (both legs)

·         Relaxed twist (bend knees at chest, stretch arms out wide and allow knees to fall to one side, look the opposite way. Switch.)

·         Lay flat and stretch like a pencil

Yoga set #2:

·         Downward Dog into pigeon pose (both legs)

·         Cat/Cow

·         On Knees, stretch one leg out and keep other knee on the ground.  Bend over to thread the needle (toward the outstretched leg) Switch legs.

·         Seated forward bend

·         Head to knee pose Both legs

·         Butterfly

CLOSING: Prayer and Pic
