Friday, January 20, 2023
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Aces, Little Mitten, Captain Camo
The Thang: Today was all about the stretch! We worked our bodies, stretching in various yoga poses to help increase circulation, body awareness and reduce injury. We started lying on the mat in an apanasana variation, hugging one knee into our chest while the other leg was straight out. We switched sides and then moved into happy baby pose. The next pose was a large belly twist with our knees bent, feet on the floor and we twist our knees down in one direction, head in the opposite direction (jathara parivrtti).
We moved into kneeling poses going into downward facing dog (adho mukha svansana) and 'pedaling' our feet to stretch our calves. Then we moved into child's pose. We did thread-the-needle and then child's pose again. The last thing we did here before standing up was a plank vinyasa (flow). We inhaled while holding a plank position, exhaled bending our elbows and coming down on the mat, we inhaled up into upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana) and then exhaling into downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana).
As we came to standing position, we moved into Warrior 2 and then a side bend (virabhidrasana 2 and utthita parsvasana). Then we squatted into a goddess pose and pushing the hips back, we exhaled forward straightening the back. From here, we did 'tree pose' (vrksasana) and then a forward bend (uttansana). We then moved into several hip opening movements, rotating hips and stretching down on the ground with our legs out in a V to help relieve tightness in hips.
We ended kneeling on our mats with child's pose, sideways child's pose, stretching our quads in a low lunge, pigeon pose and then corpse pose for a few minutes. We prayed, gave announcements and took our pic. The stretches hurt so good in that we were sore from previous workouts, but this helped a lot. Thanks ladies!
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