Full Body Circuit and a Hot Potato!


AO: The Treehouse

TIME: Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 3:30 pm

Q: Home Girl

PAX: Hurricane and her kiddo's Cookie Monster and Cookie Monster Jr., Mama Goat and Coop, The Force and her littles , Detective and her little ones Lady Bug and Butterfly, and MY little Rainbow Sprinkles!

The THANG: Full Body Circuit


·         Windmills

·         Mat Taps

·         Cherry Pickers

·         Arm Circles

·         Butt Kicks

·         Michael Phelps Hug



Full Body Circuit …Complete set all the way through 3 times, 12 reps each. Jog to the parking lot and back twice between sets.

1.       Glute Bridges

2.       Curtsey Lunges (Hard Count)

3.       Jump Squats

4.       Walking Lunges (Hard Count)

5.       Side Crunch (Lay supine in a relaxed position with your knees stacked to right side.

Place your right hand behind your head for support and use your free hand to palpate your abdominals. Initiate the movement by squeezing your abs to raise your torso off the floor, slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.) Switch to complete on BOTH sides.

6.       Dumbbell Press Up (with weights)

7.       Bent Over Reverse Fly/Rear Lateral Raise (with weights)

8.       Skull Crushers (with weights)

9.       Lying Flat Dumbbell Chest Fly (with weights)

10.   Bent Over Tricep Kick Backs

 ** After 2 sets, we played Russian Twist HOT POTATO with the kids!  Congrats on Mama Goat for being the winner!**

Cool Down:

  • Stand, inhale arms up…exhale fold over. Repeat.  
  • Stand, spread legs apart wide, bend over and stretch middle, side to side. 
  • Stand, stretch arms and roll neck.
    CLOSING: Name-O-Rama, Pic, and Prayer! 
