Friday, January 6, 2023
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Dough Girl, Queen Bee, Captain Camo
The Thang: Today we worked our whole bodies from top to bottom. The warm up consisted of arm circles with good mornings, cherry pickers, and a walk around the church. The workout consisted of 7 exercises in each set for 45 seconds on, 15 second rest, for a total of 4 sets. We worked arms, abs, butt, and legs. We used weights for our arm exercises and they consisted of:
- plank
- tricep dips
- bicep curls
- pizza servers
- shoulder press
- tricep kickbacks
- bent over chest flies
- raggedy Anns
- side crunches (left)
- side cruncess (right)
- Russian twists (with weights)
- LBCs
- lower leg lifts
- bear plank
- glute bridge with weight
- table toe taps (left)
- table toe taps (right)
- alternating fire hydrants
- sit backs
- alternating donkey kicks
- prone glute flex
- high lunge pulses (left)
- high lunge pulses (right)
- calf raises
- high knees
- inner thigh lifts (left)
- inner thigh lifts (right)
- squats
The ladies and I were cracking up so much during this workout! I don't think there's a better group to work out with than FIA Lenoir County. I really enjoyed being with them this morning! Thanks!
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