10 year Anniversary Workout
AO: Schoolin’Life
Q: Yachty (previous Regional Leader), Green Thumb and Captain Camo (current Regional Leaders)
PAX : Sunset, Mouse, Vanilla , Coach, The Force, Herbie, Minnie, Chipper, Daisy, Homegirl
The Thang
• Motivators
10's - Smurf Jacks & Monkey Humpers
10's are the same style as 11's but the total reps add up to 10: 9 smurf jacks, 1 monkey humper, 8 smurf jacks, 2 monkey humpers, rinse & repeat until the reps are 1 and 9. You can choose to run between each exercise (smurf jack, run, monkey humper, run, smurf jack..) or you can choose to stay in place eliminating the run. You do what is best for your PAX and weather!
• Train of Pain
Power Skips
Bear Crawl
Lunge Walk
Butt Kicks
Nur (run backwards)
Side Shuffle Right
Side Shuffle Left
High Knees
Tricep Dips
Raggedy Anns
Fire Hydrants
Star Jumps
Dead Bugs
Ankle Biters
Peter Parkers
Sparky Crab
Start by counting off by 2s. Form 2 straight lines facing each other. Everyone does the same exercise, while the first person in each line moves / travels down the middle of the line joining the line at the end (like a Caboose run, but your line is stationary). Next PAX in line moves through the middle while the rest of the PAX continue doing the same exercise, rinse and repeat until everyone has had a turn to move through the middle. Switch the exercises once everyone has moved from the front to the back. You can reverse the direction of your Caboose or travel somewhere and then mosey back. If the group is small, 16 or less, just do one line.
Circle Up for FiA Deck of Cards
Give aways
COT and prayer
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