Monday, January 30, 2023
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Green Thumb, Jiminy, Aces, Little Mitten
The Thang: We started our warm up with 'good mornings' and then some yoga. We went into a wide leg stretch (prasarita padottanasana) and then a warrior vinyasa (flow).
The workout consisted of 4 rounds of 5 different exercises with two 30 second exercise bursts at the end of each set. We did each exercises for 45 seconds on, 15 second rest. The first set of exercises were:
- goblet squats
- alternating lunges
- bicep curls
- plank
- glute bridges
- duck walk
- butt kicks
- alternating fire hydrants
- bicycles
- tricep kickbacks
- leg lift abduction (left side)
- leg lift abduction (right side)
- inch worms
- side-to-side jumps
- quad lifts
- overhead press
- standing twist crunch
- LBC's
- Romanian deadlift
- bear plank
- jumping jacks
- narrow squats with calf raises
- Russian twists
- pizza servers
- modified squat clean
- raggedy Anns
- boy bands
- speed skaters
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