Friday, November 18, 2022
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Aces, Warrior, Captain Camo
The Thang: It was a cold morning, 27 degrees! We started with a lap around the church, then back to our mats for some yoga. We started with some shoulder stretches and openers. First, we did some prayer pulses, then opening and closing our arms with our hands behind our head, then side-to-side stretches. From there, we moved into stretching our “wings” with hands on our hips; we ended up looking like chickens walking around. Then we did some wide-leg stretches and 5 Warrior vinyasas on each side (Warrior 1 into 2, into reverse Warrior).
We walked another lap and it honestly felt as though it got colder! This time we started with side bend to side bend, moving forward on the mat into inch worms and back. Then we did some cat/cows and rotating thread-the-needle ending with holding the pose for about 3 breaths. We then held child’s pose and walked another lap.
We returned to the mats and did a sphinx variation with one hip out, slowly pushing up and down. Then we did a gate variation, sideways on our mats with one leg out to the side. We exhaled bending over to the side, inhaled up. We exhaled down into a forward bend with our hands on the hips or on the mat. Then inhaled up and exhaled down into thread-the-needle. We repeated this 5 times on each side. We ended with another lap, prayer and our picture. Thank you so much ladies for bracing the cold! It was so great to see you all!
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