Would You Rather? CHRISTMAS Edition


AO: The Treehouse

TIME: 3:30, Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Q: Home Girl

PAX: Milk Maid, Hurricane


Warm Up: Walk around Park

Workout: Would You Rather?  Pax draws a would you rather question from the gift bag and answers.  The answer given determines the exercise.  

Christmas-Would-You-Rather.pdf (ihomeschoolnetwork.com)

Would You Rather…

1.       15 Jumping Jacks OR 15 Second Plank

2.       10 Push-Up’s OR 20 LBCs

3.       5 Burpees OR 5 Jump Shots

4.       15 FWD Arm Circles and 15 BKWD Arm Circles OR 30 Hallelujahs

5.       15 (30) Mountain Climbers OR 15 (30) High Knees

6.       40 Bicycle Crunches OR 20 Reverse Crunches

7.       15 Curtsy Squats OR 15 Knees Together Squats

8.       10 Raggedy Annes OR 10 Good Mornings

9.       15 (30) Plank Shoulder Taps OR 15 (30) Ankle Biters (Penguins)

10.   10 Walking Lunges OR 10 L/R Side Lunges

11.   10 Biceps OR 10 Triceps Extensions (with Weights)

12.   15 Imperial Walkers OR 15 Hillbillies

13.   15 (30) Flutter Kicks OR 10 Windshield Wipers

14.   15 Peter Parkers OR 15 Hip Dips

15.   10 Beaver Butts OR 10 Windmills

16.   10 Carolina Dry Dock OR 5 Wide Arm Push Up

17.   5 Crockpot Squats (Regular Squat down and pulse 3 times standing back up on 4th count) OR 5 Happy Jacks (5 Jumping Jacks + 2 Squats)

18.   15 (30) Butt Kicks OR 15 Skaters

19.   15 Fire Hydrants OR 15 Donkey Kicks

20.   10 Clams Right and 10 Clams Left OR 10 Leg Lifts Right and 10 Leg Lifts Left

21.   20 Indian Style LBC’s OR 10 BGS

22.   10 Mat Taps OR 10 Cherry Pickers

23.   10 Narwhals OR 15 Oil Riggers

24.   15 Praying Hands OR 15 Press Backs

25.   15 Plank Jack OR 15 Second Elbow Plank

26.   10 Rowboat OR 10 Russian Twist

27.   15 Seal Jacks OR 15 Star Jacks

28.   15 (30) Swimmers (on belly) OR 15 Second Superman

29.   100 The 100’s OR 20 Pull-Pull Switch

30.   10 Roll Up’s OR 10 Wide-Leg Spine Stretch

31.   15 Small Palates Leg Circles R/L OR 10 Large Leg Circles R/L

32.   10 Rolling Like a Ball OR 10 Happy Baby’s

33.   10 Palates Side Heel Clicks R/L OR 10 Palates Scissors

34.   10 Over Head Shoulder Press OR 10 10 Chest Flies

35.   10 Upright Row OR 10 Triceps Kickbacks

36.   20 Boxer Jabs OR 30 Second

37.   10 Raised Leg Elbow Plank OR 15 Second Side Elbow Plank Hold (both sides)

38.   30 Sumo Squat Hold Jabs OR 10 Boy Band Squats

39.   20 Half Wipers OR 10 Side V’s (laying on side, hand behind head, bring elbow to meet lifted knees)

40.   10 Standing Side Leg Lifts R/L OR Standing Leg Circles R/L (hip rotations)

Cool Down:

·         Child’s Pose

·         Cat/Cow

·         Thread the Needle

·         Downward Dog

·         Petal calves in DD pose

·         Upward Dog

·         Pigeon Pose

·         Seated forward fold

·         Spine Stretch

·         Butterfly

CLOSING: Announcement and Pic
