Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Queen Bee, Warrior, Homegrown, Captain Camo, Green Thumb
The Thang: I started the workout with some yoga, stretching the shoulders and then into Warrior 1 (virabhidrasana). We moved from there into Warrior II and then into bringing the same elbow down into the bent leg in front, we brought the other arm overhead to do a large side lunge stretch (utthita parsvasana).
We then moved into the different stations. There were 10 stations, many that required bands or weights, or both. The stations were:
- Bicep curls to shoulder press
- Narrow squats into calf raises (weight optional)
- Side-to-side squats with bands (weight optional)
- Russian twists
- Plank rows
- Standing twist crunch with weight
- Tricep kickbacks
- Modified squat clean
- Bridges with band and weight
- Lower leg lifts
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