Friday, August 5, 2022
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Recruiter for Jesus, FitBit, Queen Bee, H20, Preach, Break Out
The Thang: Today was a focus on yoga for strength. We focused on holding poses for longer to help strengthen the arms and legs, while also stretching our bodies at the same time.
We started and finished at the wall today. The first stretch was with our fingers interlaced facing the wall, stretching our shoulders. We then moved into a lateral stretch using the wall (utthita parsvasana variation). Next were wall angels, keeping our arms close to the wall moving them up and down. We then moved into a back bend with a wall cobra variation. Lastly, we focused on building up to Warrior III (virabhidrasana III) by using the wall to help with balance. We started with both legs down and stretching with our hands on the wall, upper body parallel to the ground, then we lifted one leg at a time.
Next, we moved to the mats into 90/90 switches, working and stretching our hips. We started with internal hip rotations in garland pose (malasana), but then moved into a supine version of that. We then flipped into child's pose. Downward facing dog (ahdo mukha svanasana) was next with calf stretches, hip circles and then opposite arm to outside of opposite leg for a big twist on each side. Back into child's pose (balasana).
Our next group of stretches were in a seated position with our feet together legs out in front in dandasana. Then we moved into reverse plank (catuspada pitham) and dandasana "swings" back and forth.
We went into supine bridge pose (dwi pada pitham), moving up and down in bridge. We added arms over head and then lifting one leg at a time. Our challenge addition to this was lifting one leg up and then out to the side, like a windshield wiper, nice and slow. We ended with legs up the wall (viparita karani) for several minutes.
Thank you for joining me today ladies! This morning's yoga was a little tougher than I normally do, but you all stuck with me and all became a little more yoga strong today!
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