Wednesday, August 3, 2022. The Woodshed
Q-Warrior PAX-Jiminy, Dough Girl, H2O, The Force, Queen Bee, Preach, Homegrown, Fit Bit, Captain Camo
The Thang
Warmup-one lap around parking area, step in place with arm circles
30 seconds each exercise with 10 seconds rest
2 rounds
Bent over rows into hammer curls
Alternating shoulder presses
Front lateral raises into alternating side lateral raises
O raises
Tricep dips
Low plank
One lap around the church
2 more rounds of each exercise
Cooldown-Stretches: cactus pose, bent over head/arm hang, downward dog with calf stretches, thread the needle L&R, praying hands behind back, eagle arm pulses, cross leg breathing
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