Oh my goodness, can you say MUGGY!!!! Well that's what it was at the Schoolin Life AO. But that didnt' stop Pax Pinky Chef, Pirex, Cover Girl, Green Thumb, Minnie and Home Girl. It didn't even stop the 2.0s from joining. Well, I'm sure Home Girl had a little bit do with that lol :)
We warmed up to the song "Don't Stop the Rock". That was really fun! We did side-to-sides, butt kicks with alternate punches, slapped those hands together under our raised knees, alternate elbows to knees and jumping jacks. This song is a little over 5 minutes so we did each of these excercises until the song was over. OK, NOW WE WERE READY FOR THE BEATDOWN!!!
45:20. 45 seconds on with a 20 second rest. Here's the skinny. Sumo squats, tap the ground and fast feet. Extended leg toe taps, jabs/upper cuts, alternating 2 side steps with 2 jabs, up and down speed boxing, alternate hooks and elbow strikes, alternate elbow to knees on the side, alternate hooks, skipping rope with a twist, right front kick, side kick and 2 jabs, shuffle boxing, right step back with knee strike, left step back with knee strike, bob and weaves, elbow sprints (love these cause you can get out so much frustration), right back kick into a straight up jack, left back kick into a straight up jack, squat punches, right side kick with right hooks, left side kick with left hooks, traveling punches, alternate side elbow to knee, right side leg kicks with squat, left side leg kicks with squat, jump rope, right upper hooks/upper cut/and DRIVE, alternate knee striking 5x, moving 2x punches 2x and upper cuts. Sumo squats and regular squats.
Whew, did we all really do all that?!? Total WO lasted a little under 45 minutes. We cooled down and Home Girl blessed us with a prayer, name-o-rama and announcements. By the way, we all agreed that the best thing about Q'ing was the opportunity to play old school jam!!! That's me, love the old school musac!!!
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