Yesterday evening at the BattleGround was pretty nice! We had a cool breeze coming off the river, and our bug-a-boos on so we were set to exercise! Here's the skinny: each exercise was 30 seconds with a 15 second rest in between and we did two sets. Overhead extensions, Tricep kickbacks, Tricep Push Ups, Tricep Pull downs, Forearm to Forearm, One and Ones, Bicep Curls to the forehead, Retraction pulses, Stir the pot with weight, underhand grip rows, ON OUR MATS: alternating wood chops, oblique twists, Angled push and pulls, Angled push, pull and twist, Up and Downs with weights, Sumo squats with weights, soccer kicks, clams with a buddy, Standing/laying inner right thigh lifts, standing/laying inner left thigh lifts, let circles. This was really a fun WO, the clams made us all laugh and we actually did a Rockett's Line. Whoo Hoo!!!
Next was the Olympic challenge. The group did plank high fives. Home Girl and Yachty did 150 (the last 50 were modified cause our arms were feeling like spaghetti noodles), Dough Girl and Pinky Chef did 100! Of course FNG flipper and Rainbow Sprinkles said they did 200 million :)
Q: Yachty. PAX: Coach, Pinky Chef, Dough Girl, Home Girl, Minnie, Vanilla, Daisy, 2.0 Rainbow Sprinkles, Pirex, and 2.0 FNG Flipper
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