Hump Day Hydration


Wednesday July 27, 2022. The Woodshed. Q-Warrior PAX-Mother Hubbard, Push It, Preach, Queen Bee

The Thang -  Warmup- 30 seconds each 

                                    jog in place, squat to air jack, jog in place, walkout planks

30 seconds each exercise - sumo squat to squat calf raise, single leg dead lift to knee up (right and left), sumo squat pulses

30 sec rest

30 seconds each exercise- low plank, full body sit ups, bird dogs, glute bridges 

30 sec rest

30 seconds each-alternating reverse lunges, sumo squat calf raises, lying side leg lifts (each leg)

30 sec rest and repeat 

1 lap around the church 

Full body movement stepping side to side and seal clapping, roll shoulders forward and then back, IT band stretches on right and left side, standing quad stretches on both sides 

Yoga - cactus pose, wide legs and bend to hands on floor, garland pose, table top cat/cow, puppy pose, lying knees bent and roll knees to left with shoulders staying flat and then roll to the right, corpse pose 

Pray and eat watermelon 
