Superstar Circuit


A.O. - The Battlegroud
TIME - 5:00, Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Q - Dough Girl
Pax - Chaser, Coaster, Green Thumb, Homegirl, Ace, Push It, Jiminy, Warrior, Capt. Camo, Point Break, The Force

The Thang - 

Warm up: 
30 second run/sprint, 30 second walk - 5 Rounds

Workout: Circuit
15 reps each leg Bulgarian Split Squat
15 Glute Bridges
15 Chest Press
15 Sit Up's (Clap under leg)
15 Raggedy Anne's 

30 second run/sprint, 30 second walk - 3 Rounds

Repeat Circuit - 2 rounds

Cool Down:  "Kim Stretch"
Child's Pose
Downward Dog into Pigeon Pose
Thread the Needle (aka Needle the Thread)
Figure 4
Relaxed Twist

Announcements, Name-O-Rama, Prayer, Superstar Picture
