Start Your Day the Yoga Way


Friday, June 10, 2022

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Taz, Dough Girl, Push It, Captain Camo, Preach

The Thang: Today was all about stretching in yoga. We started standing and bending down into a forward bend (uttanasana). From there, we moved into 'chair pose' and then chair pose with a twist (utkatasana into utkatasana parivrtti). Then, we bent forward into a wide leg post stretching to the left, right, and center (prasarita padottanasana). We ended with a large lunge/side bend (utthita parsvasana).

We moved to the mat starting with cat/cow (cakravakasana). After, we alternated lifting the legs and arms while in table position and then moving into bidalasana. We did some adductor rolls and leg lifts and then turned sideways, pushing into frog pose and alternating lifting the lower legs. We continued with a kneeling vinyasa (flow) inhaling while sitting on our heels, exhaling into child's pose, inhaling into a table position, exhaling curling the toes under and lifting the hips into down dog (ahdo mukha svansana), inhaling down into table, exhaling into child's pose, and inhaling back to sitting on our heels. 

From there, we did thread-the-needle (cakaravakasana parivrtti) and then child's pose (balasana). We sat on the mat into a seated twist (ardha matsyendrasana) and we resolved this with a forward bend (dandasana). We ended with an open reverse plank (purvatanasana) and forward bend.

We ended with a supine vinyasa (flow) starting with the legs and then in corpse pose (savasana) for about 3 minutes. We concluded with announcements, prayer, COT, and our picture. Thank you for joining me this morning ladies!
