Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Q: Green Thumb
PAX: Captain Camo, Preach, Dough Girl, Push It
The Thang:
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Disclaimer (not a professional)
10 Reach Ups
Side shuffle to first light pole, switch coming back
10 Overhead Claps
10 Good Mornings
Warm up lap around this side of church
Hips, Buns, Thighs what!
Hot Potato (20 per side)- Lay on side legs extended. Bring top leg in front of bottom leg and then lift up. Switch sides.
Large Leg Circles (12 per leg)- Prop on forearm
Side Plank Leg Lift (10 per side)
Hip Twists (20 total)
Pointed Butt Lifts (20 per leg)- On all fours, point toe, lift. Switch legs
Knee Curlers (10 per leg)- In plank or on all fours, bring in one knee toward elbow. Switch.
Cat Cow (5)
D-Lights (10 per leg)- In down dog position, lift one leg straight up, arch toward the outside, then join back with planted foot. You’re creating a D with your leg.
Child’s Pose (5 breaths)
Mini Leg Circles (40 per leg)- On hand and one knee, lift outer leg into the air. Mini circles forward, then mini circles backward. Switch legs.
Hamstring Curls (10 pulses then hold)- Lay on stomach, legs out. Curl legs in and pulse 10 times, then hold for 10 seconds.
Lap around church
Pilates Abs
Lay flat on mat, place hands on belly below navel, breathe laterally, pushing hands up with each breath. Do this 5 times.
Back Check- Place hands under lower back; is your back flat? Press to make sure your back is flush against your mat. Good preparation for all pilates exercises.
10 Roll Ups- Bring knees into tabletop position, then head and neck into pilates stance. Roll up using your abs, not your neck! Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
The 100… arms extended out alongside your body.
10 Roll Ups
20 Pull Pull Switch- Lay on mat, hugging knees into chest. Extend left leg out and lift head and neck into pilates stance. Pull Pull Switch, alternating legs, do 20e.
10 Double Leg Reach- Lay back and bring legs into tabletop position. Place hands under tailbone and extend legs out to 45 degrees, then slowly draw them back in. Repeat 10 times.
10 Reverse Crunches- Bring knees into chest. Extend legs straight up into the air; place hands under tail bone. Push legs up into the air using your abs.
20 Pull Pull Switch
Pilates Legs
15 Point Flex- Lay on side, focused on hips being even. Take top leg, point leg up, flex leg down.
20 Small Circles- Legs hip width apart, do 10 small circles forward, 10 small circles backward.
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