Tuesday, June 14, 2022
AO: The Battleground
Q: The Force
PAX: Pinky Chef, Coach, Yachty, Vanilla, Home Girl
2.0: Pop Art, Rainbow Brite
The Thang: It was so hot today, but we went straight for the shade and had a little breeze which helped a lot. We worked on 2 sets of 10 exercises with yoga breaks in between. We started with yoga lifting our arms up overhead in a slight back bend and then exhaling into a forward bend (urdhva mukhasana into uttansana), then Warrior 1 lunge into a side lunge (virabhidrasana 1 into utthita parsvasana). We ended with a wide leg forward bend moving from center, left to right (prasarita padottansana).
We then moved into our 1 minute on, 15 second sets. We did 10 total exercises, 2 total sets. The exercises were:
- bicep curls
- alternating walking lunges
- right side toe taps
- left side toe taps
- shoulder rotators
- raggedy Anns
- tricep kickbacks
- mountain climbers
- curtsy lunges
- bridge with lat pullovers
In between each set, we stopped to do some yoga. We did this partly because it was so hot and partly because we all need a good stretch. We started kneeling and then pushing back into child's pose, thread-the-needle, sideways child's pose, child's pose and then back to our sets (balasana, cakaravakasana, parsva balasana, balasana).
We repeated the above set and then ended with more yoga. We moved supine on the mats and started with hugging our knees into our chest and then happy baby (apanasana). Then we did some belly turning (jathara parivritti), hugging knees into chest and then corpse pose (savasana).
It was so hot, but the ladies showed up and showed out! Thank you for joining me!
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