AO: The Battleground
TIME: 5:30 Tuesday June 21, 2022
Warm up: Lap around Playgroud
Workout: Start at the top of the
ladder and do each exercise all the way down then climb back up the ladder.
20 Jump Squats
19 Jumping Jacks
18 Russian Twists
17 Plank Jacks
16 High Knees
15 Bicep Curls
14 Butt Kicks
13 Tricep Dips
12 Goblet Squats (with weight at chest,
palms together holding weight)
11 Heels to Heaven (Flat Feet straight up
and using abs lift back off mat and push feet up)
10 Overhead Presses
9 Calf Raises
8 Fire Hydrants
7 Deadlifts
6 Tick Tock Windmills
5 Plank Shoulder Taps
4 Big Girl Sit Ups
3 Push Ups
2 X-factor Abs (with weights)
1 Burpee
Take longer walk around playground, to the Farmers Market, around the block and back.
Cool Down:
Child’s Pose
Downward Dog
Upward dog
Child’s pose
Thread the Needle, both sides
Pigeon Pose
CLOSING: Name-O-Rama, Prayer, and Pic!
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