Yoga at the Wall


Friday, May 6, 2022

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Ace, Warrior, Captain Camo, Jiminy

The Thang: Today was yoga at the wall! We started out with puppy pose at the wall, then side stretches, arms straightened out and clocks. We ended with 'wall angels' to help us stretch our shoulders and pecs. We moved to the 1/2 wall in order to strengthen our backs by lying supine with our feet on the wall, legs straight. Then we lifted our hips up and down. We moved into table working on puppy pose and an activated child's pose, alternating lifting our arms. Our last pose was another activated puppy pose with our elbows on the 1/2 wall and we worked on externally pulling our forearms and hands from each other. 

We went back to just the mats and worked on some cat/cow and balasana variations. Then we did a forward windmill stretch that moved into 90/90 switches. We moved back to the wall that we started with and ended in viparita karani, legs up the wall for about 3 minutes. Thanks for joining me this morning ladies!

