Dirty Dozen

 May 2, 2022   The Woodshed 

Q - Warrior.   PAX:  Point Break, Dough Girl, Home Girl, Jiminy (FNG). Chaser, Captain Camo, Green Thumb 

The Thang 

Warmup- 2 laps around the church 

12 exercises-12 reps each

12 bicep curls

12 shoulder presses

12 tricep extensions

12 upright rows

12 one arm rows (missed this ladies! Oops)

12 hammer curls 

12 skull crushers

12 reverse flyer

12 tricep kickbacks

12 chest presses 

12 12 lateral raises 

12 front raises 

1 lap with 10/40 jog walk intervals 

Repeat 3 times 

COT   Picture and Prayer
