Q: Yachty AO: BattleGround. What a beautiful evening to learn more about each other and get a work out in at the same time!!! Each letter in the alphabet was assigned an excercise. Before we started excercising to the spelling of each others name, PAX had to draw a question out of the hat and answer it. We found out that Cover Girl can be shy at times. WHAT?!?! Cover Girl let us know she was only shy around guys....oh ok, that makes more sense. We love her outgoing personality!! We also learned that Little Mamma thinks that Pop Art was a good friend!! Yachty has 2 grown boys, 2 grandchildren and another grandchild on the way so she doesn't want anymore kids. Home Girl was an adult at 18 because that's when she decided to leave the coop and do it on her own. And be careful, if Pirex had the ability to be invisible, she would love to spy on people!! Unfortunately, 6:15 came quick, so Lioness wasn't able to draw a question but we assured her she is not forgotten. We wanted to make sure we did every excercise on the board, so we switched up as we went along. So thankful Cover Girl and her 2.0's joined us. She definately learned that the 5:30pm crew has a hard time counting and helped keep us on track. We ended with COT and before going our own ways, Cover Girl ended with a prayer.
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