Saturday, February 19, 2022
AO: The Battleground
Q: The Force
PAX: Home Girl, Hurricane
The Thang: We did 1,000 reps!!!!! We did 10 exercises, 25 reps of each, 4 rounds total (10x25=250x4=1000)! We also did stretching breaks in between, which was a great motivator for going into the next round. Our exercises included:
- jumping jacks
- boy bands
- shoulder taps
- Spidermans
- LBC's
- lower leg lifts
- left side table toe taps
- right side table toe taps
- tricep dips
- bridges
In between our rounds, we did stretching/yoga poses. Our warm-up consisted of a warrior vinyasa (flow) where we started with warrior 1, exhale into warrior 2 and then inhaled into reverse warrior. Then we did a wide leg forward bend, then into round 1. Our stretches after round 1 were triangle pose with a forward bend, down dog into upward facing dog, down dog into pigeon pose, and child's pose.
Round 3. After this, we did windmill shoulder stretches with a strap, and then into gate pose with a sideways bend, forward bend and thread-the-needle. We also did a 'frog' stretch.
After round 4, we went into jathara parivrtti (belly turning), then we used the straps to stretch our hamstrings and hips. Then we hugged our knees and did happy baby. We also used the straps to do supta baddha konasana (supine bound angle).
Hurricane and Home Girl were absolutely amazing! We knocked out those 1,000 reps and had a good time while doing it! We saw 'bubbles' (what we call airplanes now) and were hunted by hawks flying around us while we were lying on our mats stretching. We had to let them know "We're not dead!" Thank you ladies for joining me!
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