Circuit City


AO: The Treehouse

TTIME: 4:00, Friday, 18, 2022

Q: Homegirl

PAX: Detective, On Pointe, Tu Tu, Dough Girl, Hurricane, Lady Bug


Circuit City

Warm Up: Walking Lunges to the fence, sprint back to mat...

·        Stretch arms and legs

·         Walking Lunges to the fence and back

·         Windmills

·         Arm Circles front and back

·         Jumping Jacks

Workout:  Circuit 1, 2 and 3…YOGA/Stretch in between

Circuit 1: 1:00 of each back to back

1.       High Knees

2.       Triceps’ Extensions

3.       Reverse Lunge Kee up-Right

4.       Reverse Lunge Kee up-Left

5.       Hammer Curl


·         Childs Pose

·         Garland Pose (Squat, elbows pressing against knees, hands praying)

·         Crescent Lunge

·         Extended Triangle Pose

Circuit 2:  1:00 of each back to back

1.       Squat Jump

2.       Sumo Squat

3.       Bridge – Legs extended…switching back and forth

4.       Plank Shoulder taps

5.       Flutter Kick


·         Child’s pose

·         Revolved Chair Pose

·         Head-to-Knee Forward Bend (both legs)

·         Chair Pose

Circuit 3:  1:00 of each back to back

1.       Press Jack with dumbbell

2.       Big Girl Sit-ups

3.       Front Arm Raise with dumbbells

4.       Raggedy Ann’s

5.       Curtsy Lunges

YOGA/Cool Down:

·         Child’s Pose

·         Indian Style Stretch arms right and left

·         Downward Dog

·         Upward Dog

·         Cat/Cow

·         Thread Needle Both arms

·         Pigeon Pose Both Legs

·         Child’s Pose
