Acrostic Affirmations


Friday February 18, 2022

The Woodshed 

Q-Warrior. PAX: Captain Camo, Dough Girl and Little Mittens

The Thang: Acrostic affirmations using a word that describes each PAX

Warmup- 1 lap around the church

Captain Camo  -  STRONG - 10 each.   Sit ups, heel Taps, Reverse crunch, elbOw plank(45 sec), wiNdshield wipers, plank leG raises

1 lap around the church

Little Mittens - LOVING - 10 each with resistance band   Lying side leg raises, sumO squats, cross oVer pulse, fIre hydrants, doNkey kicks. Glute bridge

1 lap around the church

Dough Girl - FAITHFUL - 10 each.   Flutter kicks, plAnk(45 sec), lIttle baby crunches, Russian Twist, Hundres, starFish, obliqUe squat twist, walL sit (45 sec)

Cool down- various yoga poses 

