The Four A-L-A-R-M

We were expecting rain, but ended up with a beautiful, hot, muggy evening. So sweat we did!! Everyone was ready to do their normal walking, but to their surprise the WO was The Four A-L-A-R-M !! 1st round A (arm): Inchworms x15, L (legs): Sumo squats x15, A (Abs): Standing bird dogs (alternate doing 15 each leg), R-Run or speed walk around the perimeter until we reached corner #2, M- (any exercise that starts with M): Mountain climbers x15. 2nd round A: standing rows x15, L: Lunges x15 each leg, A: Sumo squat stance with side crunch (alternate 15 on each side), R: zig zag the length of the concrete squares making sure to reach the cracks before turning x a total of 2 times to the corner #3, M: Merkins (straight leg push-ups). 3rd round A: Arm front raises (slow and steady x15), L: Side shuffle the perimeter x2 times around, A: Side ab bends (arms straight up, bend to the right and left total of 30), R: Run or speed walk x a total of 4 times, M: Standing Mountain Bikes, essentially high knees x30. 4th round A: Lateral arm raises x15, L: Reverse lunges x15 each leg, A: Standing knee drives (opposite hand to opposite knee) alternate (act like you’re going to hit the knee with your hand but stopping just before-tighten up that core), R: Run or speed walk around the perimeter of the park. M: Mini kicks (flutter kicks x60). We actually did these before going around the park  We cooled down by slowing our speed and ended with a few more cool down exercises when we reached our starting point. COT. Prayer by Vanilla. Q: Yachty. PAX: Sweet Tooth (Respect), Vanilla (Respect), Coach (Double respect/curtsy), Daisy (Respect) and Minnie. For our picture we tried to do 2022 with our hands. We decided we are welcoming 2022 with a bang!!!
