

AO: The Battleground

Time: 5:00 AM Wednesday. December 29, 2021

Q: Home Girl

PAX: Dough Girl, Green Thumb

The Thang:  



Warm up:

·         Stretch out legs and hamstrings

·         Swing arms front to back and stretch

·         Michael Phelps HUG 

Cherry Pickers



Imperial March Song (Imperial walkers during the drum beat of march and Raggedy Ann’s in between)


Sevens: Jack-Jacks/Jump Shots

·         Starting with mat…PAX do 1 rep Jack-Jack (one jumping jack and one plank jack)

·         Run/Jog to 2nd pole…PAX do 7 Jump Shots (switch arms as you “shoot”)

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 2 Jack-Jacks (2 Jumping jacks together and 2 plank jacks together)

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 6 Jump Shots

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 3 Jack-Jacks

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 5 Jump Shots

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 4 Jack-Jacks

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 4 Jump Shots

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 5 Jack-Jacks

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 3 Jump Shots

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 6 Jack-Jacks

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 2 Jump Shots

·         Run/Jog BACK to mat...PAX do 7 Jack-Jacks

·         Run/Jog BACK to 2nd pole…Pax do 1 Jump Shot


Spin the ABS Wheel: (on my phone…Each PAX member spins…11 reps each)


Cool Down: 

Walk around the Church 


       Begin with Childs Pose

·         Stretch out into Downward Dog

·         “Scoop” into Upward Dog

·         Back to Downward Dog

·         “Scoop” into Upward Dog

·         Standing up, stretch into Warrior I Pose

·         Transition into Warrior II Pose

·         Transition into Triangle Forward Pose

·         Switch legs and REPEAT - Warrior I, Warrior II, and Triangle Forward

·         Standing Position…Breathe arms up and arms around as you exhale

·         Breathe in arms up….as you exhale drop down to Rag Doll

·         Roll back up to standing position and repeat

       Closing:  Prayer 

