Last Day For Yoga!


Friday, December 31, 2021

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Home Girl, Warrior, Captain Camo

The Thang: We started with rucking/walking a lap and then came back to our mats for an overhead stretch and then exhaling down into a forward bend (urdhva mukasana into uttanasana). Then we moved through Warrior 1 and 2, then into reverse warrior (virabhidrasana). We put all 3 together to make a Warrior Vinyasa (flow). We used the block to help us with triangle pose (trikonasana) and then back into a forward bend (uttanasana). 

We rucked/walked a lap and then grabbed our straps for windmills. Then we came down to the mat in downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) into upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). We moved into pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotanasana). Then we used the strap to help us stretch our hamstrings in a supine position (supta eka padangusthasana). 

We rucked/walked a lap and then ended with butterfly or bound angle (supta baddha konasana), lying on our mats with strap for a minute and a half. We ended with a picture and prayer. Thanks for ending your year with me ladies!  
