Saturday, December 18, 2021
AO: The Battleground
Qs: Hurricane and The Force
PAX: Whole Grain (Respect), Green Thumb, Yachty (Respect)
The Thang: We started out with some yoga warm-up, lifting our arms up overhead on an inhale and then forward bending on an exhale; about 3 times. Then we moved into a lunge (virabidhrasana 1), then triangle pose (trikonasana). Then we did some wide spread forward bends (prasarita padottansana).
The workout consisted of 2 rounds with a 30 second break in between. We completed a 5 rep to 55 rep round and then after the break, we started from 55 reps to 5 reps (a workout pyramid). The exercises included:
- 5 froggers
- 10 bicep curls
- 15 push-ups
- 20 tricep dips
- 25 mountain climbers
- 30 squats
- 35 raggedy Anns
- 40 LBC's
- 45 Russian twists
- 50 jumping jacks
- 55 high knees
After our 30 second break, we came down the pyramid by starting with 55 high knees and moving our way down. Then we did a jog/sprint turn relay where we jogged/walked at various intervals, one person would turn and sprint to the person behind them, tag them and then the tagged person would turn and sprint to the person behind them and so on. Then we walked a long lap around the park.
Cool down: We did various yoga stretches starting with a low lunge on our mats and then extending the front leg to stretch our hamstrings. We repeated this 3 times on each side. Then we moved into child's pose, then thread-the-needle (balasana, cakravakasana parivrtti). Then we lifted up into serpent/sphinx pose (bujangasana) and lifted the hips up into downward facing dog (adho mukhasvanasana). Then we finished with a few breaths in child's pose.
We closed with our announcements, COT, and picture. Thanks ladies! And a special thank you to Hurricane for helping demonstrate the poses and Q-ing!
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