Monday, November 22, 2021
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Little Mitten, Home Girl, Green Thumb, Captain Camo
The Thang: We started with some yoga stretches, some finger yoga! 😀 We stretched our wrists and fingers and moved into low lunges, stretching the hamstrings and quads. Then we lifted up into downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) to stretch our calves and then moved into pigeon pose (eka pada rajakopotasana).
After our warm-up, we moved into working our whole bodies, from top to bottom. We started with all arm exercises, then abs, butt, and legs. We completed 5 exercises each, 45 seconds of work, 15 second rest with 45 second rest in between sets.
Arm exercises:
- plank
- bicep curls
- tricep dips
- left side plank
- right side plank
Ab exercises:
- raggedy Anns
- jack knife sit-ups
- standing twist crunches
- reverse plank hip dips
- Russian twists (with weight if desired)
Glute exercises:
- bridge step-outs
- fire hydrants
- table leg lifts (right side)
- table leg lifts (left side)
- donkey kicks
Leg exercises:
- speed skaters
- calf raises
- inner thigh lifts (left side)
- inner thigh lifts (right side)
- butt kicks
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