Ruck n' Yoga

 Friday, November 19, 2021

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Green Thumb, Warrior (Respect), Captain Camo

The Thang: We mixed up our normal Friday yoga routine by adding in ruck/walk laps around the church. So we started with a ruck/walk lap, then came to our mats under the shelter (it was windy) to practice some yoga poses. We started with a warrior vinyasa (flow) with warrior 1 (virabhidrasana I), warrior 2 (virabhidrasana II), and reverse warrior. Then we did triangle pose (trikonasana) and wide leg forward stretches (prasarita padottanasana). We used straps to work on some 'windmills' that stretched our shoulders. Then it was on to lap 2.

After our ruck/walk lap, we came to our table position on the mat. We started with cat/cow (bidalasana/cakravakasana), thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti), on our knees and leaning back on one side to for a subtle twist (ustrasana variation), and then one leg extended out to the side and bending sideways into the straightened leg (parighasana). We did child's pose in between each of the kneeling poses. Then on to lap 3.

After lap 3, we moved from downward facing dog (adho mukha svansana) to upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svansana) 10 times. Then we pushed back into child's pose to help relieve our arms. We were running out of time, so we skipped a few poses and went into lying on our back with our straps wrapped around us to stretch our hips and groins (supta baddha konasana). Then we used the strap to stretch our hamstrings while lying on our backs. We looped the strap around one of our feet and then straightened our leg up and towards us for our hamstrings, and then slowly brought the straightened leg out to the side for a hip/groin stretch (supta eka padangusthasana). Then we ended with cool down lap 4. Thanks ladies!
