Getting Our Steps In

Pax met at Battle Ground II and warmed up by walking to the courthouse. Doing the pyramid was “The thang”. Stair run-3 up, 3 down, 10 Tricep dips, 20 mountain climbers, REST X1 MINUTE, Stair run-4 up 4 down , 30 wide hand push-ups, 40 speed squats (air squats), REST X1 MINUTE, Stair run-5 up, 5 down, 50 lunges (25 each leg), 50 crunches, REST X1 MINUTE, Stair run-5 up, 5 down, 40 mountain climbers, 30 close hand push ups, REST X1 MINUTE, Stair run-4 up, 4 down, 20 jump squats, 10 burpees, REST X1 MINUTE, Stair run-3 up, 3 down, Stretch. We did our COT at the courthouse and Walked back to where we started ending our Cool-o-rama. Q: Yachty. PAX: Coach, Daisy, Sunset.
