Peaceful Yoga

 22 October 2021

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Captain Camo, Treble, Home Girl, Dough Girl, Breakout, Warrior

The Thang: We started out with standing poses, lifting our arms over head a few times and then lifting our arms and squatting down as if to sit in a chair (utkatasana). Then we lifted our arms up over head and then bent down into a forward bend (uttansana). We then placed one hand on our hip and lifted the other arm up and bent over to the side (utthita parsvasana). Then we resolved this with a wide legged forward bend (prasarita padottanasana), moving our hands to the right and left side.

From here, we moved into kneeling poses. We started with child's pose (balasana), then into thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti), and back into child's pose (balasana). Then we moved into sideways child's pose (parsva balasana) and child's pose (balasana). We finished with a kneeling vinyasa (flow) where we started sitting on our heels (inhale), coming down into child's pose (exhale), moving into a table position on all fours (inhale), lifting the hips up into down dog (exhale), coming back down into table (inhale), pushing back into child's pose (exhale), and back to sitting up on our heels (inhale). We repeated this several times following our own breath. 

We did a few hip circles in down dog (adho mukha svanasana), moving the hips forward and back on each side. 

We continued in seated poses starting with our legs extended in front and reaching for our toes or ankles (dandasana). Then we did a reverse table to created a large back bend (catuspadapitham). We moved back to a forward bend with our leg extended in front, one leg bent forward bend (janu sirsasana). We then sat in a cross legged position and did shoulder rotations with the blocks, a seated twist, a seated side bend (with forward bends in between), and neck stretches. 

We ended with supine poses, first lying on our backs and lying in a 'crescent' shape to stretch our sides (supta parsva savasana). Then we stretched into 'happy baby' (apanasana variation). Then we stretched our bodies by pulling the arms and legs away from each other (tadaka mudhra). We moved into a big supine twist with some 'belly turning' (jathara parivrtti) and then hugging our knees into our chest (apanasana). We ended with lying on our backs for a few minutes (savansana), announcements and prayer. Thanks for joining me this morning ladies!
