Moving to MoTown

Saturday October 16th. AO: BattleGround. Q: Yachty. The Thang: Warm-o-rama-walk to the bumps from the BattleGround. Each exercise x1 minute with 30 second break in between. Traveling heel taps, corner to corner to the back leg raises, Sumo squats up and down the parking block, alternating corner to corner side leg raises, reverse right lunges (keep your foot on the block), reverse left lunges, alternating corner to corner butt kickers, regular squats, tip toe around the blocks, Skiis, step up, knee ups, over the tops, Brandon Ingrams, plank knee crunch, plank jacks, fast mountain climbers, fast step on/step off, push up/shoulder taps, on the block crunches, glute bridges, (One Lap around parking lot), alternating straight leg touch, standing diagonal wood chops, standing knee up crunches, alternating toe touch, tapping in the middle, alternating straight arm/knee ups, standing core stabilizers. Cool-o-rama-walk around parking lot and back to the BattleGround. PAX: Hurricane, Sweet Tooth, Pinky Chef, Chatty, Whole Grain, Cpt. Camo, Little Mitten. COT, Prayer and Picture.
