Gettin' our Yoga on

 October 8, 2021

The Breakfast Club

AO: The Woodshed

Q: The Force

PAX: Warrior, Captain Camo

Workout: Today we started with kneeling poses, first working on stretching our fingers and wrists. Then we moved into a kneeling vinyasa (flow, these are all 'banarasana', which means 'lunge pose') where we were in a low lunge position. Starting with our left side, we inhaled our arms overhead in a back bending low lunge, then exhaled forward, straightening the front leg into a forward bend. Then we placed the left hand next to the right foot and twisted into the knee sweeping the right hand overhead and letting our head follow. Then back into the forward bend. Then we reached back for our left foot with our left hand for a quad stretch (as well as our axial extension), then back to the forward bend. We moved into a lateral bend by moving the right leg to the side and bringing the left arm over. Then we ended the left side with another forward bend. We repeated all the same poses on the right side.

We moved into downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)and stretched our calves by alternating bringing the heels down. Then we moved into upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana) and held this pose for 3 breaths. Then we moved from down dog to up dog 5 times following the breath, exhale into down dog, inhale into up dog. We resolved the poses by pushing back into child's pose (balasana). 

We then moved into a seated position and started with twisted half fish (ardha matsyendrasana). We could either have our bottom leg bent or straightened. Then we bent forward with legs together, reaching for the toes, ankles or knees (dandasana). We then used the straps to do a supine 'butterfly' (supta baddha konasana). Then back up to do a forward bend with one leg bent, the other straight (janu sirsasana). 

Next, we used the blocks to work on shoulder rotations. We used the same blocks to help us with supine back bends by lying on one block that was placed roughly between the shoulder blades and the other block our heads rested on like a pillow. We then placed both hands behind our head, both arms bent like a goal post, left arm overhead, right arm overhead, both arms overhead, and we finished with our arms resting while we rested in the supported back bends. 

The last poses we did were stacking the blocks and stretching shoulders and then I explained pigeon pose in a little more detail (eka pada rajakapotanasana). Yoga was ended with child's pose (balasana), prayer, and picture. Thank you!
