All Aboard for Stations

Monday, October 11, 2021
The Breakfast Club 
AO: The Woodshed
Q: The Force
PAX: Little Mitten (Respect), Warrior (Respect), Captain Camo, and Home girl(FNG-Joy)
Warm-up: We did a few stretches with the legs spread wide (prasarita padottanasana). We bent forward, then walked the hands to the right, then left. We moved into triangle pose (trikonasana) and then did arm circles. We completed our warm-up with a lap around the church. 
Workout: I had 5 stations set up, work for 1 minute, 20 second rest. All the stations focused on a particular area: cardio, abs, arms, legs, glutes. We performed each set of stations twice with a 1-minute rest in between sets. 
Set 1:
  • boy bands (cardio)
  • bear plank (abs)
  • bicep curls (arms)
  • calf raises (legs)
  • bridge step-outs (glutes)
We repeated this set twice, 1 minute work, 20 second rest.
Set 2:
  • jumping jacks (cardio)
  • goddess dips (abs)
  • press backs with weights (arms)
  • lunges (legs)
  • table toe taps (glutes)
We repeated this set twice, 1 minute work, 20 second rest.
We ended our workout with a cool down walking lap around the church. Then we did our Circle of Trust, picture, and prayer. Thanks ladies!
