3 September 2021
The Breakfast Club
AO: The Shed
Q: The Force
PAX: Green Thumb and Captain Camo
Workout: All the poses we did this morning used the wall as a prop to help stabilize and help with bigger, deeper stretches. We started with standing poses in a back bend with our pelvis pushed up against the wall and arms overhead. Then we did a forward bend backing into the wall, then a side bend pushing one hip into the wall to help achieve a deeper side bend. We moved into a good morning placing our hands on the wall to stretch further.
We stacked 2 blocks on top of each other to do a twist. Then we ended with Warrior III using the wall for balance. We moved on to shoulders, doing clocks, stretching our shoulders with elbow bent up behind us, elbow bent down behind us, then fingers crossed overhead. We placed 2 blocks at the wall and knelt down putting our elbows on the blocks, head tucked in between arms. We pushed back into child's pose and then placed an elbow against the wall, bending the arm back and slowly pulling down. We pushed back into child's pose.
We then moved into supine poses at the wall focusing on various bridge/back bends. We started with 'scissor' moving the same leg/same arm towards us (20 total, 10 on each side). We did hip lifts into a bridge with our feet flat on the wall, then into a V-stretch. We did butterflies with our feet on the wall, hips lifted. We ended with our legs up the wall.
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