Yoga A

 17 September 2021

The Breakfast Club

Q: The Force

AO: The Woodshed

PAX: Warrior (respect), Captain Camo, Green Thumb

Workout: Today we focused on overall stretch of the body. We started with standing wide-leg poses (prasarita padottanasana), exhaling forward, then to the right, then to the left, then back to center. We moved into a Warrior flow (virabhidrasana vinyasa), moving from warrior I (inhale), warrior II (exhale), and then with reverse warrior (inhale). We repeated both sides 5 times. Then we went into triangle pose (trikonasana) with a block and then into windmills with a strap, using the strap for big shoulder rotations. 

We moved from here into kneeling poses. We started sitting on our heels and then lifting arms and hips up (tadasana). We exhaled bringing the right hand to the right heel in a slight twist (ustrasana variation). We pushed back into child's pose (balasana) and then practiced some cat/cow (bidalasana/cakravakasana) and back into child's pose. We finished with thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti), sideways child's pose (parsva balasana), and then child's pose (balasana).

From here we moved into prone poses. I introduced new pose to the ladies (makarasana) variation that had us lying on our stomachs. We started with left hand straight out to the side, palm down. We then rolled to the left side bringing the right leg over with the knee bent and foot behind the straightened left leg. Then we moved into locust variations (salabhasana), also known as 'superman' variations. We started with just lifting the arms straight up and overhead, then we moved the arms out to the sides in a 'T', then we lifted the legs up (knees bent at first), then legs straight out and up. Lastly, we lifted both arms and legs up into salbhasana or 'superman' and repeated this 3 times, holding the last time for 3 breaths. 

We finished our yoga session with supine poses, using the strap for a hamstring stretch (supta eka padangusthasana variation). Then we moved the leg with the strap out to the side, then switched sides. We moved into supine bound angle or butterfly (supta baddha konasana), using the strap. We finished with hugging the knees into the chest, prayer, and picture. 
