8/2/2021 AO BattleGround
Q: Yachty (Respect)
A little bit before 5:30pm it started to rain, when 5:30pm rolled around it was pouring. But we are FIA STRONG and we took off walking/rucking like we normally do on Mondays. We completed 2.55 miles. During our route, we did 60 push- ups, 60 jumping jacks, 60 second wall sit, lunges and right and left side shuffles. You know FiA Lenoir, we are all over achievers.
The rain finally started to slack off a bit and half way through our walk a beautiful double rainbow appeared. Picture prop for sure!!! Check out how vibrant it was in our pictures. Everyone did great and much respect for all of who walked/rucked in the downpour.
PAX: Disciple (double respect and curtsy), Sweet Tooth (respect), Captain Camo, Green Thumb, Herbie and Coach (double respect and curtsy)
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